Kit Harington Plastic Surgery Before and After 

Christopher Catesby Harington, also known as Kit Harington, was born on December 26, 1986 in London, England. He attended drama school in college and played the role of Albert Naracott in the National Theatre’s production of War Horse which was his first play. Though he originally wanted to be a journalist or a war correspondent, his success in theater led him to continue on an acting career path.

He hit it big when he landed his first TV role as Jon Snow in the HBO series, Game of Thrones, and was soon given a break on the big screen. He starred as Vincent in the movie Silent Hill: Revelation 3D and Milo in Pompeii. He also did the voice of Eret in the animated film How to Train Your Dragon 2. Now almost all Game of Thrones fans know the line, “You know nothing, Jon Snow.” because of his remarkable portrayal of the underdog caught in the middle of the political war in Westeros.

Has Kit Harington had Plastic Surgery?

The 28 year-old actor, though still young even in the celebrity world, has undergone a face-lift plastic surgery. It is only noticeable though, when he’s not in his scruffy costumes and heavy beard, and covered in Westeros filth. Perhaps that’s why he wanted the enhancement. It’s always good to have a separate identity from what the public insists on you. At least that’s what the TV star hinted on in several interviews.

Harington’s thin pale red lips, which female fans rave about, remain untouched. His cheeks looked firmer and his skin, a healthy pinkish glow but the actor didn’t admit to having undergone any other procedures. He’s just as attractive as ever both to Jon snow and Kit fans! All thanks to good genes perhaps as he is after all, the descendant of Charles II of England.

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